Pencil-less Sketching

with Photoshop Actions

Welcome back to Art Piece 👋

After an overwhelming response in our Polls last week, we present to you today this fun piece on Sketching with Photoshop Actions. Remember to vote in our polls for next week’s free tool!

Enjoy this week’s tip and free tool you can use to improve and inspire your digital creations.

Let’s dive in 🙌

Today’s Tip: 

How to Create a Sketch Effect Action in Adobe Photoshop

Tutorial brought to you by Marko Kozokar

Marko is a designer and visual effects artist 🧑‍🎨 . He explicitly outlines the tutorial step by step for a comprehensive overview on how to create a sketch effect in Adobe.

  1. Set up the Workspace: Photo should be in RGB Color and 8 Bits/Channel, 1500-4000 PX wide/high, and should be the Background layer.

  2. Create the Background: Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color to create a new solid color fill layer and name it ‘Background Color’.

  3. Create the Base Sketch: Duplicate the Background layer and drag new layer to the top of Layers panel and input appropriate settings. Name this Base Sketch and change its blending mode to Multiply.

  4. Create a Draft Sketch Effect: Duplicate Layer into Base Sketch copy, Large Draft Sketch and Base Sketch with appropriate opacity settings.


  5. Create a Rough Sketch Effect: For each Layer, adjust Background and Filter based on appropriate settings.


  6. Create Shading: Further Background / Filter settings will allow for adjusting of shading function via Brush Strokes.


  7. Add Noise: Noise can be added via each Layer and editing the ‘Fill’ and adjusting for it's Opacity percentage.


  8. Create the Color Look: Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves to create New Layer where color settings can be adjusted.


  9. Make the Final Adjustments: Make the necessary adjustments to bring out the specific look you desire.

Wow!! 9 Steps?!?! If this is not for you and you’re wanting to dive right in, check out the free sample below👇

Today’s Free Tool:

Thoroughly tested on a wide range of photos to ensure maximum compatibility, check out this bundle of 16 Pencil Drawing PS Add-Ons…

Here’s what you get:

  • 16 Amazing Sketch PS Actions

  • Custom layers for easy editing of final effect

  • Compatible with Photoshop CS6 and above

  • Commercial license

This bundle is great to convert all your photos to sketches... enjoy!!

That’s all for this week!

Tune in again next Monday for another set of free tips and tools.

What freebie do you want next week? Believe me, every vote counts!!

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

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